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CPM Solutions, Inc.
Roger Jeter, President
I have had several projects completed through DK Web Designs, all of which I have been very pleased with! They have exceeded all of my project expectations and have provided my company with the online solutions we were looking for. Communication with DK Web Designs was extremely easy and they were always a phone call or email away with excellent response time. I have recommended DK Web Designs to other consultants which are now doing business with them as well!

New Customers Setting up your email

Getting your email up and running on the DK Web Designs network is relatively simple, provided you follow the instructions below. Since DK Web Designs uses Microsoft Outlook as a standard, it will be used to outline the details below. If you do not use Microsoft Outlook please consult your mail clients documentation using the following instructions.

Please note that not all clients will be able to send email, this is a limitation set by your ISP preventing the use of port 25 SMTP. If you are able to recieve email but not send email then you will need to contact your ISP to have port 25 disabled otherwise you will need to use your ISP's SMTP mail servers.

Listed are the following two steps that need to be taken to properly setup and configure your DK Web Designs email accounts.


The first step in setting up a POP3 email account is to add an "email user" to your hosting server. Simply contact us or create a ticket using the Ticket Manager requesting us to create a specific email account.

Note: To create a * (catch all) mailbox you create a mailbox called just that, catchall. That mailbox is a keyword and will catch all emails sent to addresses not listed as mailboxes.


POP/IMAP Servers
You are allowed to view your email via either the POP or IMAP protocols. Most email clients default to using the POP protocol, the preferred method of email retrieval.

Enter the fully qualified email address of your mailbox. This means you must include the mailbox and the domain in the form of

Enter the password of the mailbox as requested when the email account was created.

Incoming POP/Outgoing SMTP Servers
Enter in your mail server as making sure to replace '' with your specific domain name. If your ISP does not allow port 25 (SMTP) you will need to use your ISP's SMTP server.

Mail Relay Settings
To prevent SPAM on the DK Web Designs network we require you authenticate with our mail server before you send an email. This is accomplished by sending your login information prior to sending the actual email. In Outlook there is a check box located under Tools -> Accounts -> Preferences -> Servers Tab called "My server requires authentication.". You will need to make sure that the check box is checked so that you can send email.

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